Minecraft For Mac Realms
Feb 1, 2014 - Minecraft Realms is a fee-based online extension for Minecraft that. Minecraft Server for Windows and Mac lets you build things together. Have a question about Minecraft realms? You've come to the. The PC / Mac version starts at $7.99 for a server supporting up to 11 players. You'll get the best.
Why Would I Want to Do This? Minecraft Realms is the official server platform from Mojang, the company behind Minecraft. It’s a great user-friendly way to host a remote server for you and your friends (or your child and their friends) to play Minecraft together. RELATED: In, we highlighted how to create a new world or populate your Minecraft server with the Mojang-supplied maps, but now we’re back to show you how you can upload your own worlds. Not only does this allow you to upload a world that you’ve been working on (either with friends or solo), but you can also download maps from the Internet that other industrious builders have filled with their cool creations for you to explore.
Let’s take a look at what you need to do before uploading your maps and where you can find additional maps online to upload to your Minecraft Realms server. First, Update Your Maps (If Necessary) Minecraft Realms uses the most up-to-date public release of Minecraft. As of this tutorial that’s version 1.8.9, but Realms will roll over to 1.9 as soon it is released. RELATED: Ideally, you’ll use a map that’s from a current version of Minecraft. If you have a map from an old version you want to use (e.g. You’ve been playing on an old 1.6.4 map for years but now you want to upload it to Realms) you can certainly do so, but be aware that you might run into some issues. The most obvious issue revolves around really ugly chunk updating where the edges of the currently explored map (generated with the old world engine) bump into the new areas (which will be generated with the new world engine).
If you’re in such a situation where you’d uploading a very old map, we’d highly recommend checking out our guide. For many players, though, old maps aren’t a huge concern, and simply uploading their existing world map will be just fine. Still, it’s good to know about the nuances of the process so you’re not surprised later when your map looks stranger than you recall.
With that minor caution out of the way, let’s look at where you’ll find your local maps and where to find cool maps online before showing you how to upload them right to your Realms server. Locate Your Local Save Directory The first step in uploading any map, be it your local player map or a custom downloaded map, is simply locating the world save directory on your PC. Iac midi driver.
We’ve detailed locating and backing up your Minecraft file in but we’ll recap here for ease of reading (and to get you up and running faster). Although your world saves might be in a different location if you’re using, here are the default save locations on major operating systems: Windows%appdata%.minecraft saves Mac OS X ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft/saves/ Linux /home/[username]/.minecraft/saves/ Within the saves folder, you will find a unique folder for each world save named after the world itself (e.g. Saves My First World ). Think of the folder like a container that holds all the important data about your world, including the world map and the accompanying metadata. Now would be a great time to make a backup copy, in a safe location, of your world data. Uploading the world won’t make any changes to it, and once it is on the Realms server no changes will be made to your local data. Best emulator iphone for mac. But nonetheless it’s always good to get in the habit of making backups of any digital projects, like big Minecraft maps, you’ve invested a lot of time in.
Even if you don’t plan on uploading a map you’ve personally created and you want to jump right into downloading custom content, make note of this directory, as it is important to the whole uploading process. How to Find and Download Cool Maps Online While uploading your own creations liberates the builds you’ve worked on so hard on, equally fun is finding cool custom maps online and uploading them to explore with your friends.
If you’re just uploading your own world, you can skip this section, since the uploading process is the same for both. But if you want to find new content to play with, we’ll talk about that here.
If you want a good overview of different map types, like adventure and parkour maps, check out Lesson 13 from our detailed Minecraft Geek School series:. Our two favorite locations, both on account of their wide selection and their longevity, are. Between the two websites, you’ll find thousands of maps you can take for a spin.
At Planet Minecraft you’ll find world saves to download in the Projects category; make sure to use the drop down menu and to weed out the myriad of other projects (like videos and world seeds). You can further narrow your search by filtering via project type to narrow it down to just adventure/challenge maps, certain structure types, and so on. MinecraftMaps is a little bit easier to navigate if for no other reason than, as the name implies, there’s nothing there but Minecraft maps to download. With both sites, the only thing to really look out for is the version number of the map.