Mac Ask For Password To Change Folder Name Sierra
First off, the title of your post makes no sense. The Finder is not a place.
It is the MacOS X application used to navigate your files system and to manipulate the files in it. Now for your problem--If I understand correctly, then you are trying to move files out of one of your account's user folder. You can't do that. All of the files associated with a particular account reside inside the user directory (folder) for that account.
The account has write-access to nothing outside that folder. The only account with write-access those areas of the file system is root. This is what makes root such a powerful and dangerous account. What I said about is not the whole truth.
You can move edit files outside an account's user directory. It requires confirmation using your administrative credentials. I'm having this issue too.
Can't Change Folder Names. Discussion in 'Mac Basics and Help' started by chasinreveries, Oct 17, 2006. Most Liked Posts. Chasinreveries, Oct 17, 2006. Chasinreveries macrumors newbie. Joined: Sep 28, 2006 #1. I have a Macbook Pro. Forgot your password? Stay logged in.
To explain it again, since I dont believe it has been explained. Facts not important to the matter, but potentially interesting to the case. Similar to stated above, 2 user accounts. But, mine are both admins.
I assume his probably are too. Only facts important: WITHIN ONE SINGLE USER ACCOUNT ENVIRONMENT: When I try to move a file anywhere on the desktop, from the desktop, to the desktop, OSX is asking me for an admin username and password. A) I am on an admin account.
B)It shouldnt matter. C)Permissions for 'desktop' are set to Read & Write for this user. This issue was not answered above and I'd like some help. Did you read what my problem was.
I dont think you did. D) you didnt help me at all. On the active account, i.e. The account i was using, I wasnt able to move files around (related to the desktop of the active user, to the active user). When I tried, it asked for a username and password, to move one file (e.g. An image) from the desktop to another folder. A) It didnt matter that I'm an admin cause I WASNT changing user settings.
B) It still doesnt matter cause I was in the relative account, not changing settings or file structures. C) Both the OP and I were moving files within the environment of a single user.

Hence why we found it unusual and came to post here. If djmack misunderstood you earlier post, then he is to be excused. Your post was confusing. Taken on its face, your post implies that you have more than one Desktop. Let us be clear--there is only one Desktop per user. Your use of the phrase 'environment of a single user' illuminates nothing.
Standard accounts, administrative accounts, and root have access to files within their own directory and to applications and resources within the root directory. Restricted accounts have access to anything that they are granted access to. However, only root has the ability to alter files or directories anywhere on the system.
If you move a file, then you change both the origin and destination directories. Install flash player 26.0 mac os x. It sounds suspiciously like you and the OP attempted to move files outside your own directory. EDIT: While I was writing this post, you added a post of your own. It appears that you are manually creating user directories rather than using the Accounts preferences pane to create them. If you use the proper tools, then your preferences issues would be handled automatically. That's another way to think about it, although the OP said that didnt work. But the UI is nice and pretty for anyone googling this issue as I did.
TO everyone else. I believe you're overthinking the issue. I appreciate your help. And I excuse anyone mistakes, mistakes happen, but I think they can be avoided.
To answer your comment in your 'edit' section, I'm not creating any directories manually. I dont understand why people arent getting this (large pic) This is what I was doing. Yet it gave me the error, even tho I had Read and Write permissions on the desktop. And the folders and files were all there for months, and I had previously never been prompted for credentials. See why I had a problem? And my friend has been trying to explain it to me, stating that some programs will place an un-writeable file while indexing, causing the transfer to fail without creds.