How To Use X-mouse Button Control For Mac
How do i print slide handouts from powerpoint for mac. Thanks to X-Mouse Button Control we can reassign functions to each button of our. It can be very useful if you have a mouse with a lot of buttons you don't use. Alien shooter mac emulator.
Open the and click on Latest version to save the setup wizard. Then open the wizard to add the software to Windows XP, Vista, 8 and 8.1. Right-click the X-Mouse Button Control system tray icon and select Setup from the context menu to open the window below.
Now you can remap the mouse keys for all windows that do not match any profile by selecting Default. Click on the mouse button drop-down lists to select an alternative function. For example, you could select the right mouse button to open Flip 3D instead of the desktop context menus. Select the Right Button drop-down list and Flip 3D from the menu. Press the Apply button and right-click the mouse to open Flip 3D.
You can also remap the mouse buttons for applications such as Firefox. Open the application first, and press the Add button on the Mouse Button Control window. Then select the software from the list of running applications, and press the OK button. That will add a new application to the window as below. Select the new application, and click on one of the mouse button drop-down lists. If you add a browser, you can select to assign Browser Favorties, Browser Refresh and Browser Stop to a mouse button.
Select Browser Favorites for the right mouse button, and then press that button in the browser to open your bookmarks. For further options, press the Settings button to open the window below. There you can adjust the mouse speed by dragging the Mouse Speed bar to the left and right. To assign hotkeys to the software, click the Hotkeys tab and then enter new keyboard shortcuts in the text boxes.
You can also set up new layers with alternative functions for the same mouse keys. Select one of the other layer tabs at the top of the window, and add new functions to the mouse keys. Then select Disable from the Switch to drop-down list. Next, right-click on the X-Mouse Button Control system tray icon, select Layers and the layer tab that you customized the mouse buttons for. The X-Mouse Button Control icon on the system tray will then have a layer number on it as below. So with this app you can now reconfigure your mouse buttons for alternative software packages. Check out the for further details.
Automate Mouse Clicking with Mac Auto Mouse Click Mac Auto Mouse Click The Software presented here is a small Mac Automation Utility. You do not need to know programming in order to use it. There is no need to have knowledge of complex scripting or anything else. This Mac Auto Clicker allows you to script Mouse Clicks. There are configurable Keyboard Shortcuts available in the software which can be of help when creating an automated script with selected Mouse Actions. How To Download and Install Mac Auto Mouse Click In order to try out this Mouse Automation Software for Mac, you would need a Mac with minimum version of 10.6, or in other words, you must have Mac OS X Snow Leopard, Mac OS X Lion or Mac OS X Mountain Lion, OS X Mavericks, OS X Yosemite, OS X El Capitan, macOS Sierra, macOS High Sierra, macOS Mojave.
Once your Mac fulfills the above installation requirement of having a Mac of version Mac OS X or newer version, you are ready to go. Trial version of Mac Auto Mouse Click by either clicking on the download link mentioned in this sentence or right click on the Download link and click on save target. Double Click on the downloaded zip file to extract the software installer package. Launch the Mac Auto Mouse Click package and follow onscreen prompts to install Mac Auto Mouse Click on your Mac OS X. Video Tutorial of Mac Auto Mouse Click A Video Tutorial of this Macintosh Software Application will popup after the installation is complete.
You can or a Video Tutorial of this Macintosh Automation Utility right Now. This Video Tutorial of the Software has been recorded on Macintosh Mountain Lion (Mac OSX Version 10.8.2) and apart from the Installation instructions, the same procedure applies to other Mac OSX versions such as 10.7, 10.6, etc. This Video Tutorial Display How you can Automate Left Mouse Click and Typing on your Macintosh. Launch Mac Auto Mouse Click Once the Installation is complete, open up Finder and Navigate to the Applications Folder. In the Applications folder, you will find an icon with the name Auto Mouse Click.