Eclipse For Mac Book Pro
Eclipse IDE for Java Developers. Eclipse Git Team Provider; Eclipse Java Development Tools; Maven Integration for Eclipse; Mylyn. Mac OS X (Cocoa) 32-bit.
Junior Member I've just installed Eclipse 3.7.2 on my MacBook Pro running OSX 10.9.5. I chose 3.7.2 because I want also to use Eclipse on my iMac which runs OSX 10.6.8, and Eclipse 3.7.2 was recommended - I forget where. The Eclipse workspace is shared on DropBox. I've worked through the Workbench User Guide to the Java Development User Guide, as far as Preparing Eclipse. The Macs come with JRE 1.6.
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The advice in Preparing Eclipse is to install SDK 1.4 as well as the latest one. I was getting nowhere trying to find a suitable download of 1.4 so I decided to skip that for the moment and install the latest which is 1.8, with both the JRE and the JDK. (Advice on where to find 1.4 for the Mac appreciated!) I downloaded both JRE and JDK from Oracle and installed them on the MacBook Pro without any problem. Now, I can do this on Terminal.
Normans-mbp-2:~ norman$ ls -l /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/ total 0 drwxr-xr-x 3 root wheel 102 21 Aug 21:38 jdk1.8.0_102.jdk normans-mbp-2:~ norman$ I have no reason to suppose anything is wrong with these - no error messages for example. But I can't get Eclipse to find them.
I go to Eclipse/Preferences/Java/Installed JREs. 'Java SE 6 (Mac OS X Default)' is the only one listed. I note that it is installed in /System/Library, not /Library - but nothing about that was offered as an option during installation.
The help text says 'Additional SDKs can be added by searching the hard drive for installed SDKs. To do so, simply click the Search. Button and specify a root folder for the search.'
But there is nowhere to specify a root folder. If I click Search, a window opens and closes too quickly to read, but seeming to report the progress of the search. Nothing changes in the 'Installed JREs' table. I've tried restarting Eclipse, tried restarting the Mac, and sacrificed 2 goats, with no joy. My questions are: 1.
What do I need to do to have Java 8 show up in the Installed JREs table? And where can I find a Java 1.4 for the Mac? I see Mac installation has come up before, but not recently. Apologies if I have missed a reply that deals with it. Thanks for your help.
Apple’s Xcode development system is superb for developing applications, but sometimes you just want to write C or C++ code for research or school. Composing a serious chunk of code with vi is no longer acceptable,* so users in this frame of mind are now using Eclipse, a modern IDE, that’s also free.
Here’s how to get gcc without installing Apple’s Xcode and then install Eclipse for C/C++ programming. What’s the Motivation?
At work recently, my wife was chatting with a colleague who was taking his first C++ class. She taught him how to use Eclipse on a Mac, even though he resisted at first. However, later, he came back and commented that the other students were trying to manage ever increasingly complex projects with the vi editor. It was taking them four, six, or even 20 hours in some cases to complete their homework each week. He finished his, typically, in 30 minutes. That’s the power of an IDE with a modern debugger.