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Hello World in Python 2 on Mac OS X Your First Program in Python 2 on Mac OS X This page tells you how to setup a Python programming environment for your Mac OS X computer and provides a step-by-step guide for creating and running a simple 'Hello, world' Python program. All of the software is freely available on the Web. These instructions are for MacOS X 10.13 (High Sierra), but the instructions for other versions of Mac OS X are similar. Overview The Python programming environment required by this booksite consists of: • Python, that is, the Python compiler/interpreter.
May 2, 2013 - Build and Deploy a Django Project on OSX from Scratch. Apache: already installed on Mac, we're going to use mod_wsgi for serving the Django project. Downloads' then click on Command Line Tools Install button.
• The Python standard libraries. • IDLE, the Python Integrated Deve Lopment Environment. • The Tkinter, NumPy, and Pygame libraries, which are used by the booksite programs that do graphics or audio processing. • The booksite library, that is, a set of modules that we developed specifically to support this booksite.
• The Terminal application that is bundled with Mac OS X. Downloading and Installing Python, IDLE, Tkinter, NumPy, and Pygame A version of Python 2 is bundled with Mac OS X. It's fine to use that version. IDLE, Tkinter, and NumPy are part of that version, but you must download and install Pygame yourself. Perform these steps to download and install Pygame: • Open a Terminal window. To do that, click on the Spotlight Search icon on the right end of the menu bar. (It has the appearance of a magnifying glass.) In the resulting dialog box, type followed by the Enter key.
• In the Terminal window issue these commands to install pip, the Python package manager. Enter your computer's administrator password when prompted: • sudo easy_install pip sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/pip sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/pip2 sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/pip2.7 • In the Terminal window issue this command to use pip to install Pygame: • python -m pip install -U pygame --user Perform these steps to test your environment: • In the Terminal window issue the python command. You should see something like this: • Python 2.7.10 (default, Oct 6 2017, 22:29:07) [GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 9.0.0 (clang-900.0.31)] on darwin Type 'help', 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information. >>> • If you see that output, then your Python compiler/interpreter is working, and Tkinter, numpy, and IDLE are available. • At the Python >>> prompt, type the statement import pygame followed by the Enter key.
If Python generates no error messages, then you have installed Pygame properly. • At the Python >>> prompt, type exit() followed by the Enter key to exit Python. • Close the Terminal window. Downloading and Installing the Booksite Library Perform these steps to download and install the booksite library: • Use your Web browser to download this file to your /Users/ yourusername/Downloads directory. Note: The Mac Finder application uses the term folder to mean a container of documents and, perhaps, other folders. Boot camp for mac pro 1 13.