Photoshop For Mac Number Font Flatline 3

Photoshop For Mac Number Font Flatline 3 Rating: 3,9/5 5352 votes

When i'm trying to use the text tool I get the ' Selected font failed during last operation. Normally when there's any kind of font mismatch between two systems no matter if its windows to windows or mac to windows, the font simply defaults to the system default once you attempt to edit it. And thanks God I found how to clear photoshop's.

March 5, 2016 Hi Richard, I’m the designer/programmer of “Find my Font” a font identifier containing about 135.000 fonts in it’s online database, and consider the following font sources when matching: a) Many free-font sources (including the 40.000+ fonts of b) Google web-fonts (very useful to web designers) c) A lot of commercial font foundries d) Your local fonts! (installed or just stored) in your PC More than this you can also select which source you want to compare your sample to, you may want for example to find the best matching of a commercial font to a Google Web font. It’s a software application – not a site – and is not free (and that’s why it doesn’t try to sell you the fonts) but you can download the 30-days-free-trial here: The matching precision is superior to WhatTheFont and WhatFontIs and there is no need for any image pre-processing. I think you can love it 😉 Fivos •. October 13, 2018 I spent 3 hours looking for a font all over the net.

Tried whatthefont & whatfontisthis online and like many posters above, they linked me to commercial fonts. I wouldn’t mind paying for the font, but I just couldn’t find it – SO frustrating. Then, out of sheer desperation, I tried findmyfont for mac, and it located my font in about 30 seconds.

The font I was searching for turned out to be Nunito – a Google Web Font that did not show up in any searches. Brilliant piece of software. November 30, 2015 Well, just reading all these messages from delighted people who’ve successfully identified fonts your way only makes me frustrated and angry – sorry to say.


I don’t know what I’m doing wrong, but trying to follow your ‘Simple’ instructions is impossible for me. Minecraft for free for mac book air. What’s a ‘Word Art File’? To me, that’s something out of Microsoft Publisher – irrelevant to what I’m doing here. I submitted a clear, large, black-and white, single word I’d snipped from the screen as a jpeg. It failed to recognise it as a font image at all, saying ‘Error – minimum no. Of characters is 2 (it had six).

Yours was the seventh website I’d tried to identify this font with. None of them have got it. I just give up. Things like this just make me all biter and twisted. How do i backup my passport for mac free. Not your fault. Just so frustrated at the constant failure.! November 30, 2015 Hi Steven.

I’m so sorry to see that you are frustrated. When referring to a ‘word art file’, I’m talking about a png or jpg file that contains a word that’s been creatively displayed. If you snipped a word from your screen, that would basically be the same thing.

So, I think you are good there. Unfortunately, this identifier will not work with everything. There are always exceptions. Since you cannot get it to work, this is my suggestion for you: 1) Upload your image (screenshot) to image hosting site such as 2) if they recognize the font. You’ll have to attach a link to the image so they can see it.

Our community is very knowlegable and kind. It might just be the solution you’ve been looking for. June 3, 2014 great tips! I’ve been using this for QUITE some time and you are right it’s fabulous!

However, i haven’t had as much luck with script fonts. They do have the box to check if there is more than one letter but still, unless you separate the letters in the script, i’ve not had much success.

And even when you separate the letters, it’s not always that great. That being said, i use it continuously AND if you find a font on a web page, i’ve used that option and it works beautifully just indicating the webpage! I will definitely try your tips on the more difficult ones.