Flip 4 Mac For Powerpoint
I am making a video using audio captured from DV tape and powerpoint slides (720x540). I imported the footage and audio and then imported the jpegs w/out going into Photoshop. I rendered the slides in the timeline and made some small web clips 320x240 and the text is too small and fuzzy. Here are my questions: Do I really need to use tiffs to prevent the fuzziness? When I did insert a 300 dpi tiff I did not see a difference. I need to export these few hours of footage into several web clips and they will need Windows Media format.
Episode 5 and higher ScreenFlow 1.5 and higher QuickTime Player 10 QuickTime Player 7 Pro PowerPoint Keynote Mail iMovie '11 Flip Player Safari Firefox Chrome System Requirements The operating system requirement is: OS X 10.6.8, and and later. IPhone-Ringtone (Player Pro only), iPad, AppleTV, Mac, and PC computers), Flip Player acts as a. Trying to add videos to a powerpoint presentation, when I play the videos it still says this is a demo for flip 4 mac.
Will I be able to make Windows Media clips that are full screen but manageable in size because obviously the small screen size videos are not working? Could they work somehow? If the file sizes are too big and cannot be hosted by the client for streaming, what service can I recommend for them to host these huge windiws media files for streaming viewing? Is there some other way to accomplish this to make high quality powerpoint slide videos using the audio I have captured on DV tape? Like should I not be doing this in FCP? Any help is appreciated!
Is there some other way to accomplish this to make high quality powerpoint slide videos using the audio I have captured on DV tape? Like should I not be doing this in FCP? Depending on the complexity of the slides redesigning might not be that bad. Just copy and past text from PPT to Live Type or something similar. I do this every time I'm given PPT to work with. Mind you, I warn the client ahead of time of some extra charge for this and they aren't usually to hung up on the PPT backgrounds and animations so I usually have room to maneuver. Although it can take some time, the results are always superior and you save some time not having to experiment with getting the PPT stuff to look good.
What about making the video 640x480? Where could we host such large files?
Your server/nerwork guys either have to figure it out or you have to change your role in the matter. This is THEIR problem, all you have to do is make the slides legible. So just to be clear, no one uses poerpoint slides in final cut? Of course we do, but we must be responsible for correcting the chronic bad decisions of stupid powerpoint designers. There are over 100 slides so redesigning is out of the question.
Delivering illegible video clips is acceptable? Mobile legends emulator for mac. Pen the PP slides and create a new set of masters for the prezo that conform to reasonable video standards of, say, 12-20 lines of text on each screen, drop the color specs to NTSC gamut and tell your people they get it when you're done correcting their idiotic slide shows. So I Have decided to keep doing the slides in Final Cut an then I will export to Quicktime movies but not self contained and then use Flip 4 Mac to turn them into Windows Media clips. I am going to keep everything 640x480. If I export not self contained quicktime clips and then make Windows Media clips from those I shouls have no problems right? Or will it look for the original media? The reason I have to do Quicktime first is because Flip 4 Mac is having audio issues right now and failed exports.
Does anyone know how I get Flip 4 Mac to work with Compressor 3? We'd realy like to help but things are getting complicated. There's nothing easy about what you're trying to do but it will get easier with experience. Honestly, your easiest workflow is to export out of FCP as a self-contained DV movie and move it to a PC and use Microsoft's free WMP encoder application.
So I Have decided to keep doing the slides in Final Cut an then I will export to Quicktime movies but not self contained and then use Flip 4 Mac to turn them into Windows Media clips. I am going to keep everything 640x480. Good so far, assuming the slides are legible. You may still have issues with serif fonts, single- or three-pixel hairlines (which PP guys just LOVE to use) and gradients. If I export not self contained quicktime clips and then make Windows Media clips from those I shouls have no problems right?